About We Choose Us
Who We Are
We Choose Us is a campaign coalition of grassroots organizations, unions, and advocacy groups fighting for multiracial democracy in Minnesota. That means protecting the democratic institutions we have, strengthening the communities that make democracy possible and expanding our own ideas about what democracy can look like in order to best meet the needs of each and every person who makes Minnesota home.
Our shared vision of democracy is rooted in several key ideas. We believe in the ballot and the right for everyone to have a voice in shaping their community. We also believe that a robust democracy gives each person a chance for holistic civic engagement. People must have time and security to participate in a government they trust will give them power and agency in their community. We are committed to lifting up fights for labor, environment, and bodily autonomy as we recognize the full humanity of every person who lives in Minnesota, giving them a say in our shared future.

What We Believe
America was founded on a promise of democracy, rooted in freedom and equality. But in reality, power, agency and even voting rights were only given to a white, wealthy few. Over the last two centuries, social movements have fought to bring the rights of citizenship and the vote to more and more people. Despite the victories of these movements, power and agency still resides in the hands of a select few. We have a lot of work still to do if we want to realize the promise of democracy for us all.
We also understand that our current system of democracy, flawed as it may be, is in crisis. Corporate and wealthy interests regularly defy our country’s founding principles of fairness, equity and accountability, driving all of us towards a possible constitutional catastrophe.
In Minnesota, we have seen the introduction of laws that make it harder for voters to gain access to the ballot, part of a coordinated national effort to undermine the will of the people. We have seen the outsized influence of money in our local, state and federal elections, and elected officials who respond to special interests, instead of the people.
To realize a truly multi-racial democracy, we must protect the institutions we currently have from the growing threat of authoritarianism. But we also need to imagine something we’ve never had before: a democracy where all people have a voice in decision-making structures and a government that is responsive to our needs rather than corporations and wealthy special interests. In order to do this, we need to make sure peoples’ material needs are met so that we can participate in a culture of holistic civic engagement. Through conversation and connection, we will also learn from one another about the opportunities we currently have to affect change and come to a shared understanding about the changes we still need to make until we see government as something that can, does, and must work for us.
Our ability to strengthen our democracy and civic participation doesn’t lie in the hands of experts or politicians alone. Our power resides with the people, because those of us who feel the repercussions the most are the ones who have the clearest solutions. Our goal is to lift up the voices of Minnesotans across the state who are working to empower one another and come together to fight for a shared vision for a more just and thriving multiracial democracy.

What We’re Doing About It
Our campaign is only as powerful as the people who are part of it. We met with people across Minnesota to build our Expanding Democracy Agenda, a set of policies designed to protect and expand our democracy.
Over the course of the 2023 Minnesota legislative session, we showed up at the Capitol in St. Paul with coalition partners and other pro-democracy champions to testify at hearings, gather for rallies and meet directly with our legislators.
And the results? The biggest set of pro-democracy reforms in Minnesota in almost 50 years, including:
Voting rights restoration
Automatic voter registration
Pre-registration for 16 and 17-year-olds
Prohibiting foreign-influenced corporations from spending in our elections
Learn more about all the Big Wins for our democracy from our Expanding Democracy Agenda..